Category Archives: Adamant

Adam-Scott rants…

I Heart MoviePass

Yes, there’s a black hole at the center of my heart, consuming space and time, but there are fleeting moments of joy when I truly love and appreciate something. MoviePass is one of those things. Continue reading

Netflix, You Can Go Your Own Way

Last night, after offering an empty apology for the way changes to service plans and pricing were announced in July, Netflix CEO Reed Hastings announced that Netflix will be splitting into two separate companies: Netflix will remain the source for streaming content, while the DVD-by-mail service will transfer over to a new company, Qwikster. No, it’s not the end of the world. It’s just more convoluted crap. And frankly, I’m just sick of all Netflix’s bullshit. Continue reading

Happy “Red State” Day, Kevin Smith!!!

Today is the pre-theatrical video on demand release of Kevin Smith’s (yes, @thatkevinsmith) Red State. My name is Adam-Scott, and I am a Kevin Smith fanboy. Continue reading

Down in the Dumps: Craptacular Cinema

Call me “Captain Obvious,” but for the uninitiated, the unobservant, and the just plain forgetful folks out there, the beginning of the year is a terrible time for movies (second perhaps only to August), a time Hollywood commonly refers to as a “dumping ground” for–for lack of a better word–shit. Continue reading

Hyphenate Divas Like White Elephants

Let me just start off by saying, I like Jennifer Lopez. She’s very likable. She’s gorgeous, talented, successful. How many other former Fly Girls can you name? She’s got personality. She’s “Jenny from the block,” sweet and sexy with a touch of Bronx attitude.

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